Nail Your Nutrition Podcast
Nail Your Nutrition Podcast
73: What my Eating Disorder Took From Me and Running and How I Overcame It Mentally with Nicky Tamberrino, Running Enthusiast
In this episode, we hear from Nicki Tamberrino, a runner, self actualization enthusiast, entrepreneur, and podcast host, herself. She shares her experience with us about her interesting journey through an eating disorder while running and training, how she knew something was wrong, and how she sought help. She also shares about her mindset work and how that was a helpful tool for her.
You can find more about Nikki at her wesbite, and at @1classy_motherunner. She hosts the podcast, Maybe Running will Help.
Ready to take your fueling further? Sign up for the Nail Your Nutrition course to figure out your fueling, along with important topics like intuitive eating, fueling specifics for women, macronutrients, supplements, injury nutrition, and more! The course has 14 modules to help you crush your next race, feel better during workouts, and recover well.
Find our complete show notes here.
This episode is sponsored by Nature Nate's. We love and recommend Nature Nate's all the time- it's the best honey to sweeten your day, and your training! Take a mini pouch with you on your next run for a great fueling source.