Nail Your Nutrition Podcast

54: New Year's Resolutions for Runners

Nail Your Nutrition Episode 54

2022 is here and you're probably being inundated with diet messages right now, like....

"Lose weight to get faster!" or "Ditch the covid pounds."

We're here to tell you that a) dieting doesn't work and b) you can make New Year's resolutions that have nothing to do with weight but that will benefit your health and your training!

In this episode, we cover six New Year's resolutions you can make that will help you crush your training, heal your relationship with food, and improve your overall health. These include:

  • Increase or improve strength, stretching, and mobility
  • Improve sleep/ Get more sleep
  • Ditch the diet mentality
  • How to set  goals that have nothing to do with times or PRs
  • Work on mental toughness
  • Figure out fueling
  • And quick ideas for non-weight centered resolutions 

Buy the Nail Your Nutrition Endurance Fueling Course!

For full resources and things mentioned in this episode, check out the show notes here.

Tag us over on @nailyournutrition when you're listening!